sábado, abril 17, 2004

Hamas: o que pregam?

O que é Hamas? O que eles pregam? Eles estimulam o uso de homens-bomba?

Resposta: Yes. Since 1994, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have dispatched more than 80 suicide bombers. The terrorists have blown up buses in major Israeli cities, as well as shopping malls, cafes, and other civilian targets. The bombings have killed 377 Israeli civilians and wounded thousands, according to the Israeli government. Hamas’ bombers tend to target civilians within Israel proper, rather than Israeli soldiers or settlers in the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas has reportedly begun using military-grade explosives in suicide bombings, making them more lethal.

Fonte: Terrorism: Q & A | Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Eis aí mais um pouco de conhecimento para você entender o que o recém-assassinado líder do Hamas defendia.