segunda-feira, maio 17, 2004

Humor negro

Q: Quem inventou o sarin?
R: Os nazistas.
Q: Para matar gente?
R: Não. Era um pesticida.
Q: E Saddam usava como pesticida?
R: Não. Para matar gente.

Desagradável isto.

Agora, o humor não tão negro assim. Responda rápido: Se Larry Rother escrevesse isto, Saddam expulsaria ele do Iraque?

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Nerve gas bomb' explodes in Iraq: "Sarin is a toxic nerve gas 20 times as deadly as cyanide.

A drop the size of a pin-head can kill a person by effectively crippling their nervous system.

The gas is one of a group of nerve agents invented by German scientists in the 1930s as part of Adolf Hitler's preparations for World War II.

Although the Germans never released sarin in battle, it was used to lethal effect by Iraq during the 1980s both in the war against Iran and against the Kurds."