terça-feira, outubro 26, 2004

Salário mínimo prejudica aqueles com pouca qualificação. Até Schwarznegger sabe disto

Já Kerry, Bush e outros...

Low-Skilled Workers Lose with Higher Minimum Wage: Newsroom: The Independent Institute


In an American Economic Review poll, 90 percent of economists agreed that minimum wage laws increase unemployment among low-skilled workers. Yet in the current election proposals to increase the minimum wage abound.

John Kerry favors hiking the federal minimum wage by more than 35 percent. He wants to raise the hourly minimum from the current $5.15 to $7 by 2007 and mandate yearly increases at the rate of inflation thereafter.

Bush has not been as specific, but a campaign spokesman told the Washington Post “the president supports a reasonable proposal that would increase the minimum wage over an extended period of time.” If most economists were called on to define “reasonable,” it should mean nothing short of “zero increase and repeal the existing requirement.” I doubt that is Bush’s definition.
Making it hurt


Schwarzenegger, a former economics major, had the good sense to veto a California bill that would have increased the minimum wage. Hopefully our presidential candidates and the voters of Nevada and Florida will learn the same lessons Schwarzenegger learned in econ 101 so long ago.