quinta-feira, abril 07, 2005

Paul Krugman está errado sobre...

O mal de Paul Krugman é se deixar levar por seu - quase fanático - anti-qualquer-republicano. Esta é minha opinião e também a de James D. Miller no artigo cujo trecho reproduzo abaixo. Isto não quer dizer que Krugman não tenha escrito artigos interessantes para a academia. Apenas que, em jornais, ele não tem o mesmo bom desempenho.

Larry Summers hinted that women on average might not be as qualified as men to be science professors. Paul Krugman wrote that Republicans en masse are categorically not as qualified as everyone else to be professors. Larry Summers was almost universally condemned by academia for his comments, not because they were necessarily wrong, but because it was considered wrong for him to make negative generalizations about an under-represented group. In academia, Republicans are far more under-represented than women are. So if Paul Krugman is not widely condemned by academics it will constitute pretty strong evidence that academia is biased against Republicans.
