terça-feira, abril 12, 2005

Viés lá é igual ao do Brasil?

Pergunta para os universitários: o que se verifica no trecho citado abaixo tem similaridade com o que se vê na academia brasileira? (vale a pena ler a matéria de Cathy Young de onde tirei o trecho)

Reason: The Idle Fool Is Whipt At School: Liberal bias in the ivory tower: "Yet another study has come out documenting what most conservatives consider to be blindingly obvious: the leftward tilt of the American professoriate. The latest report, by political scientist Stanley Rothman of Smith College, communications professor S. Robert Lichter of George Mason University, and Canadian polling expert Neil Nevitte, published in the Berkeley Electronic Press' journal Forum, paints a stark picture of a politically skewed academy. Nearly three quarters of the professors in a 1999 survey of college faculty identified themselves as left/liberal, only 15 percent as right/conservative; 50 percent were Democrats and 11 percent Republicans."