sábado, julho 02, 2005

Polêmicas da imprensa - off topic, mas engraçado

Segundo noticia a Primeira Leitura, Lula vai, hoje, a uma reunião do Foro de São Paulo, organização que, segundo o articulista L.F. de Alencastro, não existe. Não acredita? Então veja os dois links abaixo.

Vejamos os dois momentos da imprensa nacional

1. Em meio à crise política que abala o país e a esquerda petista atribui às relações incestuosas de seu governo com a direita fisiológica, o presidente Lula faz neste fim de semana uma espécie de viagem ao passado, aos “bons tempos” em que ninguém questionava suas credenciais esquerdistas nem o criticava pela execução de políticas conservadoras. Lula é o convidado de honra do ato político que, na capital paulista às 10h30, comemora os 15 anos de criação do Foro de São Paulo, organização que, segundo o site do PT, um de seus fundadores, “reúne os principais partidos e movimentos políticos progressistas e de esquerda da América Latina”.

2. Audience: Quick question. George Folsom with IRI. Two quick questions. First, could you give us your estimate of who's on the short list to be the new Governor the Central Bank of Brazil as well as the Finance Minister? And then, secondly, each one of you here talked about which way is the PT and Lula going to go. Are they going to continue to moderate, or will they be co-opted by some of their other international colleagues? Professor Maxwell, you mentioned that as well. What are your views on this organization called Foro de Sao Paulo, which PT as well as Chavez as well as other folks who are members of, including Colonel Gutierrez up in Ecuador? Is it a phenomena and a movement that should be taken seriously? Or, how do you assess the risks for the Sao Paulo and its relationship with PT? Thank you.

Alencastro: It's interesting. You'll see, because I live, I mean, I live now in France. I had been living in Brazil for 12 years. We never heard about this for Sao Paulo in Brazil. We don't know about it, and it's crazy how that thing grow up and became, that's one journalist known as a guy very conservative from extreme right, who writes in a weekly in Rio, who started with that thing. We never heard about that. The Mayor of Sao Paulo is from PT but she, therefore, I mean, for two years. She's supported by wealthy managers. Their Secretary of Planning is the former Minister of Planning from Sarney.

I mean, the city was bucker up. They rebuked the fine arts. Was a very good example of achievement of the PT in fact. Because Sao Paulo has 12 million persons. The town was broke. And now the final sorrow came, and the Mayor of Sao Paulo had in the polls the best opinion of every time. I mean, the last two years in the population. They start to do things. I mean, it deserves a special study to that affair of Foro de Sao Paulo. I don't think what Kenneth think about it? Because ...

Moral da história: ou a imprensa informa mal na França, ou eu leio mais jornais que o dito articulista. He, he, he.