sexta-feira, dezembro 03, 2004

Xenotransplantes cada vez mais próximos

A necessidade de órgãos humanos para transplantes se torna um problema cada vez menor com a evolução dos xenotransplantes (transplantes inter-espécies). Um dos meus temas de estudo favoritos em economia: a alocação de órgãos humanos para transplantes, novamente aqui, neste blog.

quinta-feira, dezembro 02, 2004

O voto é juridicamente obrigatório. Mas, efetivamente (ou, neste caso, economicamente), ele o é?

O autor deste post acha que não. E você?
Encontros para todos os gostos

Alguns deles:

Experimental and Behavioral Economics

International Meeting
The Laboratory for Research in Experimental Economics (LINEEX), the Spanish Highest Council for Scientific Research and CentrA jointly sponsor the International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics in Cordoba, Spain. The conference dates are December 9-11, 2004.

International Applied Business Research

Sponsored by Clute Institute
The International Applied Business Research Conference will be from January 3-7, 2005 in Disney World, Florida. It is really a double conference with one conference being business and economics related and the other being teaching related.

Economic Modeling Courses

Winter School
EcoMod offers courses in Practical General Equilibrium Modeling, Advanced Techniques in General Equilibrium Modeling, Trade Policy Modeling, and Macroeconometric Modeling, in Washington DC from January 10 to 15, 2005.

Future Business Technology Conference

Integrating Simulation and Knowledge Management
The second Future Business Technology Conference (FUBUTEC'2005) in INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France is scheduled from March 10 to 11, 2005. Deadline for paper submission is December 20, 2004.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management

Invitation to Participate
The 25th Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management is slated from March 10 to 11, 2005 in Maribor, Slovenia. Deadline for paper submission is February 15, 2005.

Comparative Economic Studies

International Conference
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba in cooperation with Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt calls for papers to the International Conference on Comparative Economic Studies in Cordoba, Argentina from March 14 to 18, 2005. It will focus on Trade, Integration, and Institutional Reforms in Latin America and the European Union.

French Firms During the German Occupation

Groupement de recherche (GDR) of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) holds its fourth conference, about French Firms During the German Occupation, and Transportation in France 1939-1945, from March 17 to 19, 2005 at the University of Le Havre in France.

Monetary and Financial Economics

Call for Papers
The 3rd Workshop on "Monetary and Financial Economics" in Halle (Saale), Germany on March 31, 2005 and April 1, 2005 is organized by the Halle Institute for Economic Research and the Department of Economics at Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg.

Political Economy of Social Democracy

Past, Present and Future
The Political Economy of the Social Democracy will be held from March 31 to April 2, 2005 at the University of Wales in Swansea. The conference is to explore, historically, social democratic political economy's engagement with the post-war world. This is the second of three conferences on European social democracy's past, present and future.

Exchange Rate Econometrics

90th International Conference
The Applied Econometrics Association calls for papers to the conference Exchange Rate Econometrics on April 7-8, 2005. The deadline for submitting papers is January 15, 2005.

The European Electricity Market

Challenge of the Unification
The 2nd International Conference on "The European Electricity Market" (EEM-05) is scheduled for May 10-12, 2005 at the Palace of Israel Poznanski in Lódz, under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Poland.

Econometric Theory and Applications

Development in Financial Econometrics
The conference dates for the first Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA) are May 18-20, 2005. The venue is the Institute of Economics, Academica Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. Deadline for paper submission is January 30, 2005.

Economics & Finance of the Middle East & North Africa

7th International Conference
The 7th International Conference on the Economics and Finance of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will take place from May 30 to June 1, 2005 at the Byblos Campus of the Lebanese American University. The deadline for submitting an abstract is March 1, 2005.

Labor Economists Society Annual Meeting

Joint Meeting with European Counterpart
The Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) will host the second joint meeting of SOLE and the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) from June 2-5, 2005 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, California.

Decentralization, Governance, and Economic Growth

Workshop on Fiscal Federalism
Workshop on Fiscal Federalism: "Decentralization, Governance and Economic Growth" is scheduled from June 6-7, 2005 in Barcelona, Spain. The deadline for paper submission is January 10, 2005.

Risk Classification and Public Policy

Joint Seminar of EALE and Geneva Association
The 11th Joint Seminar of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) and the International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (the Geneva Association), "Risk Classification and Public Policy" will take place at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin on June 16-17, 2005.

Agent-Based Models for Economic Policy Design

International Workshop
International Workshop on 'Agent-Based Models for Economic Policy Design' (ACEPOL05) to be held at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Bielefeld University in Germany from June 30 to July 2, 2005. The workshop is funded by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Bielefeld University.

Econometric Society World Congress 2005

Submission Deadline on January 15, 2005
The 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society will be held at University College London from August 18-24, 2005. Since 1965, a World Congress has been organised by the Econometric Society every five years.

War and Economic History

Causes, Costs, and Consequences
On September 16-18, 2005, Toronto will be the venue of the 2005 Economic History Association Meetings with the theme War and Economic History: Causes, Costs, and Consequences.

Evolutionary Economics

International Workshop
The 7th Buchenbach Workshop on Evolutionary Economics for Young Economists will be held for European PhD students and Post-Docs, in Buchenbach (Black Forest) near Freiburg, Germany from October 4 to 8, 2005. Contribution proposals should be made by e-mail before May 1, 2005.
Vantagens comparativas existem...e s?o relevantes, independente de se a segunda derivada est? ou n?o corretamente calculada

Microsoft to set up second Asian research facility in India

domingo, novembro 28, 2004

Prêmio Donald Stewart Jr

O Instituto Liberal do Rio de Janeiro (IL-RJ) está com mais uma versão do excelente concurso "Prêmio Donald Stewart Jr". Já anunciei isto aqui e acho que qualquer um que tenha lido o "O Caminho da Servidão" do Hayek (tem na biblioteca do IBMEC-MG, por exemplo) pode fazer um bom trabalho.

Quer saber sobre prêmios e tudo o mais? Confira aqui.
Outra forma de se calcular os dias de servidão

Uma outra forma de se calcular os dias de servidão (detalhes em um dos primeiros working papers de é o do IBPT. E, na metodologia deles, aparentemente, as coisas pioram (para quem paga).

Registre-se no "O Globo" e leia o resto do trecho abaixo (ou vá ao politsburger, um blog linkado aí ao lado...).

A sociedade reclama da carga tributária, mas poucos contribuintes têm noção do peso desses tributos no seu bolso e no caixa das empresas. Um estudo do Instituto Brasileiro de Planejamento Tributário (IBPT), encomendado pela Associação Comercial de São Paulo (ACSP), mostra que num salário de R$ 3 mil, por exemplo, a soma dos tributos pagos pelo trabalhador corresponde a 172 dias por ano, ou seja, mais da metade do ano. E que a soma dos tributos pagos pelo trabalhador e pela empresa que o emprega chega a R$ 2.773, o equivalente a 91% do salário.

Nesses cálculos foram considerados os impostos sobre os rendimentos, sobre o consumo de produtos e serviços e sobre o patrimônio do trabalhador, mais a parcela de tributos que as empresas recolhem sobre a folha de pagamento.
Por que devemos explorar a Lua?

Porque ela pode nos dar mais uma fonte de energia.

A potential gas source found on the moon's surface could hold the key to meeting future energy demands as the earth's fossil fuels dry up in the coming decades, scientists said Friday.

Mineral samples from the moon contained abundant quantities of helium 3, a variant of the gas used in lasers and refrigerators as well as to blow up balloons.

"When compared to the earth the moon has a tremendous amount of helium 3," said Lawrence Taylor, a director of the US Planetary Geosciences Institute, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

"When helium 3 combines with deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) the fusion reaction proceeds at a very high temperature and it can produce awesome amounts of energy," Taylor told AFP.

"Just 25 tonnes of helium, which can be transported on a space shuttle, is enough to provide electricity for the US for one full year," said Taylor, who is in the north Indian city of Udaipur for a global conference on moon exploration.
Viva o Estadão!

Finalmente eu abro um jornal - o destino é justo: só poderia ser o excelente "O Estado de São Paulo" - e vejo um gráfico no caderno de Cidades que é feito de forma tecnicamente séria.

Trata-se da matéria "Estatuto faz homicídio cair 5% em SP". Eu sou, pessoalmente, contra esta política mas, em várias ocasiões, ressaltei neste blog que, ao contrário do "oba-oba" de certos jornalistas, é importante que se publique análises sérias a respeito de temas como este.

Você vai dizer: "Cláudio, o que exatamente você quer dizer?"

Bem, o gráfico publicado na matéria não foi feito com desenhos idiotas ou com métodos bizarros. Nada disto. Ao contrário da picaretagem do status quo (presente em muitas matérias, para aumentar a não-inteligência dos leitores), este gráfico mostra uma previsão de homicídios usando o método ARIMA e o de suavização exponencial.

Meus parabéns ao jornalista Marcelo Godoy. Finalmente um gráfico sério sobre uma questão não menos importante. E um gráfico tecnicamente preciso, com análise estatística minimamente decente. Nada de "subiu-desceu-e-isto-deve-ter-a-ver-com-a-substituição-de-importações-mas-eu-ignoro-o-tema-se-você-usar-média-ou-variância". Não senhor. Desta vez o jornalismo respeitou o público. Gente que conhece mais econometria sabe dos problemas de métodos ARIMA mas também sabe que eles são melhores do que gráficos errados ou mesmo a ausência de gráficos.

Recomendo a leitura, claro.